Just what type of measurement does MS Office use anyway, twips and points? How many twips or points to a printed inch, vertically and horizontally? Also, I wanted better control over cell height and width. I even began a search for true upside-down (reversed, flipped) fonts (mainly Courier New). I just finished searching the web for 2 days trying to find a way to have text in a cell upside down in Excel without using WordArt or making the layout on the edge and using Landscape Print mode. My current project is a 3.5 by 2.5 (playing card sized) bound 16 page flipbook with several charts and a table of most of the powers found in the books and on the web for M.E.G.S. version) and like having small portable reference material (charts and tables) in my pocket for those times I get ideas outside the games. I play pen and paper RPG games (DnD, DC Heroes/Blood of Heroes M.E.G.S. We are in the process of going through the official Windows 8 Certification checklist and some minor issues still remain.OpenOffice is better than MS Office 2K3 in many ways. * With this release we have tested with Windows 8. This version contains several improvements especially for Dutch, German and other Germanic languages with extended compound word usage. * Hunspell library upgraded to version 1.3.2 from 1.2.9. Users will be able to add other English dictionaries (Canadian, Australian, New Zealand) as desired * Keeping only one English dictionary for US-en installations instead of 5. This will reduce the per-user disk footprint for multi-user installations.

* Cleanup of temporary areas used by extensions installations. \"Oracle\" as a java provider was added to aid in JVM identification. * \"freeze\" problem with Calc and Writer when LanguageTool is installed * auto update check now re-enabled by default

# Important bug fixes have been made in these areas: # Updated translations available in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 include:

# New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 include: